Top Reasons why many who are called never make it overseas

Fear of going around to churches to raise support
Fear of going overseas as a single
Going into serious debt to buy a car
Going into serious debt to buy a house
Falling in love with a Godly Christian man or woman who has no desire to serve overseas. 
Getting a good job, and making lots of money to take care of one's family, one's church and other worthwhile causes. 

       There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of these things for the average Christian who does not feel a call to serve God overseas.  But, for a believer who feels the call, these things are usually not an option, if you really, really, really want to make it there. 
       I have many Christian friends who when they were young wanted nothing more than to serve God overseas.  They got training at a Christian college somewhere... and now, they work at a good-paying job, with their Christian spouse, paying off the big truck, the nice car, the beautiful house...  I'm sure that, should Jesus tarry, all I will hear from them is how they regret not having gone to serve God overseas. I hurt inside already because of the lives they could have impacted in parts of the world where there is no one to explain the Good News to the people, and that, these are the days, the moments, the minutes, the seconds, they could do something about it, but that those moments of possible commitment and action are constantly fading away from them.
       How about you?  What decisions will you make about your future now that will impact the world still waiting to hear the Good News of God's salvation?

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