I feel God calling me to serve Him overseas... what should I do now?

So... you would like to serve God overseas?

       I can truly say from watching my friends who felt a call to work overseas over the years, that most of those who felt a call of God to go never make it beyond their own home country. To make it, you really, really, really got to want it!  

       Ironically, I have often found that college students who never studied cross-cultural communications are the ones who actually end up going overseas to serve the Lord.  So, if you took another major in college, don't be afraid to follow God's call overseas.
       What do you think are the primary reasons why believers who felt the call of God to go overseas, never made it?  Please, take a few minutes to think about this question, then, click here to see what I found.

My testimony:

       I felt the call of God around the age of 15 years old to serve the Lord God, doing what I do today.  So, I read all I could about workers in the region of the world I felt attracted to.  I prayed for those working overseas whom I knew were doing exactly what I hoped to do someday. At my young age, I even supported some who went out, reasoning that if Christ returned before I could go myself, when I help others do what I would have done, it is as if I am there with them. 

       As a result of these contacts, I got some very encouraging letters with lots of good advice from two or three of those who work overseas, letters that I still hold on to today to keep me going when times get tough. 

       When I graduated from High School, I went to Faith School Of Theology, because that is where the Lord led me to go after I prayed about my decision a lot.  God may lead you to go somewhere else; the important thing is to follow where He leads you, and do what He tells you. 

       While I was in my junior year of Bible school, I applied to become a member of Wycliffe Bible Translators, and was accepted... at the age of 19. If you feel God is calling you serve overseas, I really recommend applying to an organization while you are still in college. That way, you can move on to going overseas as quickly as possible, where you are most needed. 
       Despite the challenges, I sent out my first prayer letter while I was still 19 years old.   I arrived in Africa when I was 22 years old (after raising support, and finishing my studies).  I spent five years overseas as a single, and that was very hard. But I can personally testify that God was very close to me during those years, to keep me going when at times I was very discouraged.  Then, during my first furlough, I got married to the wonderful person God brought my way. 
       So, even though I am older now, and am now serving with Assemblies of God World Ministries, I have been serving overseas for over 20 years.  I thank God for the lives who have freedom and peace through Christ and are serving God because I was where He wanted me to be, when He wanted me to be there. I thank God for allowing me to witness to people who had never, ever heard about what Jesus had done for them. And I can think of no greater thing than to press on in the work God has given me to do!
       If, after the enthusiasm of a church service or convention somewhere, you feel a burden for overseas work has not diminished, but grown... let's talk!  Please e-mail me, and tell me a little about yourself: 

  • What do you feel the Lord is leading you to do overseas? 
  • What talents has He given you to offer Him? (The key is not how many talents He has given you, but the willingness of your heart to offer them to Him) 
  • Has He placed a certain country on your heart? 

       Let's get in touch. I'll try to write back quickly, but please be patient if it takes a little time, as our connection to the internet here is not always very reliable.